Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Cockroach population distribution

The control measures are basically the same for thousands of different cockroach species, it is not necessary to determine which species has infested the house. The main difference is the population distribution. Some species of cockroaches inside buildings are distributed evenly, while others gather in groups. The first step in controlling cockroaches is to determine where the roaches are gathering and how many you have.

Food-Storage Sealer Bags

The simplest andThe most effective method of monitoring cockroach population is declining. You can glue traps cheaply at any hardware store you can buy or make your own. To make your own, gather a crowd of 1-liter jars, and the inside of the rim with petroleum jelly to prevent cockroaches from escaping to. Set of winning a slice of white bread in them and your case is over. So many traps as you can in your environment. In the corners, in closets, shelves, including furniture,in the bathrooms. The idea is to evenly distribute the traps so that the number of cockroaches in captivity can be determined which areas will find this exhibition focuses your efforts where the pest control to be direct.

Leave the traps for 24 hours and then back to them and note the number of cockroaches that were captured in each. Kill cockroaches collected by filling the jars with hot water and soap. Set the traps and move those who performed badly in the areas of greatestconcentration of cockroaches. Determined in another 24 hours back, in what areas they meet. Repeat this step until you have a good idea of ​​where to hang. The more you use traps, they are all faster. Note that cockroaches to go to the edges of things, rather than outside, so you tend to put the traps accordingly.
2 Sources of cockroach infestation

At this stage we will give you all your roach-proof food, waterDelivery and border crossings.
Roach-proof food sources

Glass beetles eat all the foods available, but prefer carbohydrates. The problem is that they have all kinds of carbohydrates, including those found in glues, soaps and eat some plants. Trading in a variety of liquid soap and vaseline around the outer edges of the potted plants to keep away the cockroaches. And 'of utmost importance to the routines of food storage, and revisions. Cockroaches can chew threwPaper, cardboard and plastic brittle and all foods that rely on these things to preserve vulnerable. The purchase of a series of glass or plastic containers with tight lid and immediately everything that comes in bags or boxes in suitable containers. Make sure the seal on your refrigerator is clean and complete, and keep all food refrigerated so tightly sealed as a non-refrigerated foods.

It 'important to change your routine in the kitchen. Immediately wipe away allSurface can be used when preparing dishes and sweep the kitchen every day or two. Clean and regularly paid in the world that residues such as grease or cooking ranges and ovens to collect inside. Shop organic waste separately in a plastic container that seals large fixed and compost or throw them both out, when it comes to the Trash. If the container is dirty, put in a sweet water-bleach solution for several hours. Use a basket that has a tight fitting liddeny roaches access to your refuse, and clean it as soon as it gets dirty. If you have exposed pet dishes, place them in pans of soapy water to create a moat around the food. Watch for crumbs spilled by your pet and don't let the moat dry up. At night, plug and dry your sinks to keep roaches from entering from the drains or easily locating water.

Roach shelters and breeding grounds

Roaches prefer dark, warm and moist areas. This means they are likely to hang out underneath refrigerators, inside electrical equipment and outlets, around stove tops, and near any leaky pipes. Thoroughly move through the areas that traps reveal as being population focal points and seal up all nooks, crannies, and cracks that you find with silicone caulk or an appropriate filler material. Cockroaches can fit into cracks as small as 1/53 so be thorough.
Roach-proofing methods of entry

Outside of your home roaches will accumulate anywhere there is decaying organic matter. Clean up and clear out dead leaves, overgrown grass and weeds, and any moist areas that collect organic wastes. Pay special attention to overgrowth that is right up against your home.

In apartment buildings, roaches can gain entry to your living space through unprotected vents, ducts and drains. Combat this weakness by removing vents and placing screens behind them. Seal the edges of the screen against the duct opening with silicone caulk and replace the vent. Next, check that all of your windows have undamaged screens. Any small holes you find in a screen can be repaired with a dab of silicone caulk. Doors should have weather stripping applied over any crack that could allow a roach to enter, and drains should be closed up every night before retiring.
3. Eliminate the current cockroach population

If the previous steps were not efficient enough to diminish the population by themselves, you will likely want to use them in addition to one of the following insecticides. Use chemical insecticides sparingly as roaches can easily become immune to new measures. Instead, start with an insecticidal dust. After implementing one of the following measures, be sure to repeat the trapping exercise you performed in step 1 to understand how the population was effected.

Insecticidal dusts
Popular insecticidal dusts include Diatomaceous earth and boric acid (Borax). Diatomaceous earth kills roaches by damaging their exoskeletons and then dehydrating them through the wounds. Boric acid works by poisoning them. Of the two, boric acid is the most effective because it does not repel roaches, they do not develop resistance to it, and it will last for as long as it is kept dry. The downside is that it can take up to 10 days to begin working whereas diatomaceous earth begins working immediately after application. When applying dusts, be careful to keep them out of the air.

Hydramethylnon based bait stations
Insecticidal baits are used to kill roach populations without covering your environment with poison. Use only those baits that come in tamper-proof bait stations and always keep them inaccessible to children and pets. Some varieties of Combat and maxforce roach bait stations use the poison Hydramethylnon which kills roaches within 3 days of consumption. These work well, but the bait can be quickly used up in infested areas, so replace them often at first - especially if you notice roaches living inside of them.

Avermectin (Avert) is another commonly used poison that is derived from the naturally occurring soil microorganism streptomyces avermitilis. It works exceptionally well but can only be applied by a licensed professional.

Insect growth regulators (IGR's)
Insect growth regulators work by impeding the developmental process of an insect. In cockroaches they cause sterility in adults. Adults that were resident before the application will be unaffected and will still be able to reproduce, but if there are no neighboring areas of infestation to replenish non-sterile adults this treatment method should eventually cause your roach population to wither and disappear.

Carbon dioxide fumigation
Call your local pest control professional to find out if they are equipped for carbon dioxide fumigation. The process involves filling huge plastic bags with roach infested belongings and then suctioning out the air and replacing it with carbon dioxide, killing any roaches inside. This may work well if you are about to move and don't want to bring the roaches with you.

Steam cleaning
Steam can also be used to kill roaches. It can be shot into holes, cracks, and underneath appliances to kill any resident roaches.

Compared to the above methods, foggers are ineffective. They are marketed to people who do not want to expend the effort necessary to intelligently fight their roach infestation and they expose all of the home's occupants to whatever poisons are in the treatment. Any cockroaches will likely retreat into their hiding places and wait until the fog dissipates before returning to the open. The dried poison residue that remains on all of your living surfaces will not kill them. Stay away from foggers.

1 comment:

  1. Since you will most likely have plenty of old food items tossed in your garbage can, it is important to keep roaches out of there too. home remedies for roaches baking soda
